Admission procedures start with a scheduled tour of MBMA. Tours are for adults only and a maximum of 6 people are scheduled in a group. All classrooms and levels are visited to observe children working in the Montessori environment and an in-depth overview of the curriculum is discussed. Parents leave their information for the waiting list at the time they visit. Evaluations are scheduled for the child/children after the tour date.
The evaluation is a readiness assessment to determine whether the school is a good fit for the child and to assess at what level the child’s needs may be met. Elementary aged children will need a current progress report from their previous school/teacher along with a skills evaluation by an MBMA teacher. Preschool “readiness” is usually around 3 years of age, but may differ depending on the child. The child needs to be toilet trained prior to scheduling an evaluation. Parents will know more about what “readiness” looks like once they have visited the classroom.Most children (preschool-6th grade) attend 5 full days. There are a limited number of half-day spaces available for first year 3 year-olds.
The regular academic day is 8:00 am-3:30 pm. Extended care is available from 7:00-8:00 am and 3:30-6:00 pm. In addition to the regular after school day care program, there are a wide variety of extracurricular activities available at an additional cost.Please look for information on our 8 week summer program each year as noted on our calendar. Children ages 5-12 from other programs are welcome in the summer months. Many students that are enrolled for the new school year will start the program in summer.